Smoking Shisha in Saigon

Shisha is imported from Egypt. It is a mixture of different kinds of leafs and tree roots scented with fruit or coffee flavors and mixed with bee honey. Smoking Shisha has become a popular fashion of young people in the city, who think that smoking Shisha is fashionable, doesn’t contain nicotine, and is not addictive.

At a corner of Habibi, a group of youngsters were enjoying Shisha. Huan, who had never used to Shisha, was urged to try it. A friend of Huan gave him a long, colorful pipe and said “Don’t be afraid! It is delicious! It is not addictive like a cigarette!”

Huan kept the pipe on his mouth and puffed deeply, then let out the smoke at ease. Other members in this group started passing the pipe from hand to hand.

A girl in this group, named Phuong Linh, said previously every weekend, her group rode their motorbikes on the road and sometimes joined a race. Since they knew Shisha, this group comes to this café often to smoke and chat with each other every weekend.

“It is bad to see girls smoke cigarettes. Smoking Shisha is more ‘cultural.’ I’m self-confident in smoking Shisha because it does not smell like a cigarette,” Linh said.

At 11:00pm at night, nearly twenty foreign people entered Habibi and asked for Shisha. Following a café employee to the service room, I saw the man put flavours in the top part of the pipe. He covered this part by a tin foil which had several holes, then put some pieces of burning charcoal on the top.

“When we smoke, the heat from charcoal will follow holes on the tin foil to burn Shisha. But the heat is not enough to make Shisha burn directly like cigarette so the flavor of Shisha is maintained,” the man explained.

Gparker, a French member of the group of foreigners, said he came to Vietnam with his parents. He and his friends often go to Habibi to smoke Shisha on weekends because smoking Shisha is not as expensive as going to night clubs and they could talk with each other there.

“A Shisha pipe is priced at VND 110,000. It is enough for five people within one hour. It is no problem because we share the pay,” Gparker said.

The owner of Habibi said Shisha is also called Hookah in Indian because it is sourced from India. Shisha traveled from India to some countries in the Middle East and some Southeast Asian countries like Thailand, Singapore, and Vietnam.

Shisha is very popular among youngsters in Hanoi. In HCM City, there are two cafes offering Shisha.

According to an official from the Ministry of Public Security’s Institute for Criminal Sciences, Shisha has little nicotine and it is not addictive. Shisha is not banned in Vietnam.



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